Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well our little independent Mollee has taken matters into her own hands, literally. She felt the need for a little trim and went ahead and removed all offending hair. I know almost everyone has a story to tell of their kids cutting their hair but it still stings.
When we go out and about and Mollee has chosen her own wardrobe, I feel the need to explain to everyone I meet that I was not responsible for the matching or lack thereof. I really don't feel such a need now. I'm sure one look and it's pretty obvious I would never purposely cut my daughter's hair in such a manner. No, now the only thing going through everyone's head is what kind of mother let's her 3 year old around a sharp pair of scissors! Yeah, that would be me. We are all about free expression, not!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wow! I guess I haven't kept up with the blogging. We seem to be so busy these days, I actually lose track of the days and have to constantly check the calendar. Oh well. This week we had a chance to stop and enjoy some much needed family time in San Diego. We were daring and got our hotel off of Priceline.com. I was very nervous but we ended up with a beautiful Doubletree in Del Mar. We were feeling pretty good, so we opted to stay for one more night but had to go with a different hotel. This time we were shot down by lady luck. We ended up in a yucky, old-folks dive that advertised 3 stars--so not 3 stars!! The "built-in" hairdryer was older than my grandmother and about as big as my Expedition. The spooky hallway was something straight out of The Shining. Yikes! On a positive note, we were so icked out by the hotel we ended up at the beach for one more sea shell hunting expedition. Boy did we hit the jackpot. We found a rocky part of the beach that held the shells perfectly for us. Fall break goes by so quickly. We are so blessed to have the time to get back to our family and center our lives. Thank you God.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Welcome to our new blog! This blog will work as a kind of virtual scrapbook where we can post pictures and journal about our family. Check back often to see what's going on with The Migray Family! :)