Sometimes you think you are in control of your life. You have successes and you take the credit. You have failures and you mope through the blame. But through it all you ultiamately feel in control. Then you get that one blip in your perfect control record and it feels as if your world has been rocked. We realized recently that when we congratulated ourselves on our successes we were just foolish. God has always been in control, we just like to take credit for his work. He has blessed our family beyond our expectations. Our seasons of difficulty seem somehow connected to times we tried to take too much control. About a month ago we again received another message from God that we are not in control and it definitely rocked our world. We found out that we are going to be welcoming another adorable migray baby into our family. We have been forced to reevaluate our priorities and our faith and trust. We are so grateful to be trusted with yet another gift from God. Join us in our journey!